India become Supper Power - Indians become Super Poor
There were unneccesary hocus bocus all around to celebrate Independance day. Especially those who are in abroad advertised their psudo patriotism in a vulgur way. While the country is still struggling to get even it's basic needs met. And day to day the situation become worse, these people are boasting that India is developing to become superpower. The same rhetoric those real western powers used to expliot India.
The below one is based on a mail I received. The mail was a reply to one pseudo patriotic mail.
Q. We Indians are the wealthiest among all ethnic groups in America , even faring better than the whites and the natives.
There are 3.22 millions of Indians in USA (15% of population) .
YET, 38% of doctors in USA are Indians.
12% scientists in USA are Indians.
36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
13% of XEROX employees are! Indians.
==> 30,000 deaths/year due to rabies(dog bite) still govt(BJP) banned low cost rabies manufactured by Kings Institute(Govt) for the shake of MNCs capturing Indian market. International Patents Right has dwindled our already suffering health care system. The first affected is Cancer drug rosed from 250 Rs to 800 Rs. Rabies 4.50 Rs in Govt hospital to 750Rs in Private.
==> 50% world's Malnutritioned Children are in India.
==> World's biggest AIDS hub(still reacent budget increased tax on AIDS and Cancer drugs).
==> 70% of people are pinned up with Agri field, Which contributes only around 5% of GDP(thus 5% of our economy is shared by 70% of people)
==> 60% of Indian children are malnutritioned which is higher than sub sahara.
==> India ranked 7th for world's most dangerous country for children.
==> India's slipped down to around 147th rank in social Indicator(Health, Education, food, Child care etc) from aronund 127th rank in the previous year.
==> Around 40% of Indians are half starved.
==> Seasonal death tolls - Summer 700, Rainy 700, Winter 700(average).
==> 1 Lakh farmers suicide death in 2 years(this is govt statistics. The real statistics will be around 2 Lakhs, as govt rejected most of the Suicide as not Farmers on technical ground-Ex: Wife of a farmer is not a farmer as she is not entitled to any farming land).
==> 70,000 small scale industries closed in karnataka alone in the last 7 years.
==> After globalisation the jobs created by IT & ITES and the other second level third level jobs created by this fields are around 4 to 5 lakhs(approx). The jobs lost due to the closer of small scale industries and labour policies of big corporates are around 13 lakhs due to the globalisation policies. These reserve people are now serving the profit by working as a contract employee. No job secutiry.
==> TCS charimen warned in the CII meeting in Mumbai on Sep 2005, that around 40 crore unemployed will be in India on 2016. That is the biggest threat to India. The recent report by govt says around 28 crore unemployed will be in India on 2020. RBI statement on 2005 December says employement growth has diminished after Globalisation.
==> The agri field is not modernised and they are coming to cities as neo nomads to sell their low cost labour. This huge internal diaspora population going to be the biggest internal threat to India. Especialy the middle class. After the farmers are driven away from Agri field it will be in the hands of MNCs to serve their market needs(the market may not be India).
==> While water scarcity is affecting everywhere. And UNO chief Kofi annan says Water wars will be the future wars. Every where water resources are provatised. Ganga was sex brokered by Vajpayee to sues demodarant. Thamirabarani was brokered to Coke(liter 1.2 paise). And lots of other rivers were given to private companies. A recent report says there wil be huge water scarcity in briton. The british govt is advising people to consume water responsible. When water scarcity hit europe Indian water resources will serve their daily need. But we Indians will end up only with the list of Indians working in MNC.
==> The Seed act prevents farmers holding seeds. They have to get license for that. Is seed a amunition?. No, But the act is to serve the Mansonta like genitically modified Seed companies to rule our Agri field.
==> India is developing by Importing wheat.
==> India became poor due to colonial exploitation by British. Where as our PM(Who born from the place where Bhgath sing also born) went to UK to receive award from Oxford University, there he thanked our british master for their colonial rule and he said India benifitted from Colonial era. Machuley turned in his graveyard proudly, hearing Manmohan's applaud of colonial era.
While the reality is like this, there are some boneless creatures thanking pepsi for appointing an Indian as it's CEO.
Is an Indian rapiest raping internationaly a proud thing?
Is an Indian Sex proker (the likes of Manmohan, Vajpayee, PC etc) prokerring internationaly a proud thing to India?
These pseudo patriotics are exposed whenever real problems of India are discussed. These people at those time will maintain either a stealthy silence or detract the discussions by raising some silly issues.
It is true that, we have very rich history, We are very tellented people in the world. Still the shackle of colonialism is not removed. Our mother is still exploited by those western powers.
This what I feel - should be remembered at this moment.
The Shackle of Slavary (Colonialism) is still depriving our all around growth. The growth whatever we see are like cancer spots.
India is Ailing.... Help Her get out of Recolonization pandemic.
Related Tamil article:
It's amazing how many young people in India (with the exception of some of course), think selling your country out to the highest bidding corporation is progress and development. This displays a certain lack of critical thinking ability which is eventually end up costing India a great deal. It's important for lone voices to keep harping on these vital issues of the day. Kudos to you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
September 26, 2006 9:08 AM