Very Very Bussy to find Answer!!
In our Daily life we are confronting with lots of questions. Some we can able to find answer some never... Some we never bother about finding answer.
And now a days there are N number of people, who are criticle about the present economic and political system, making commotion all around
- from The hindu, Frontier to Puthiya Kalacharam - from Arundhadi Roy, Naom Chomsky to Medha badkar - from P.Sainath to Marudhayan, RUPE - from Rang de Basanthi, Final Solution to Anbesivam, Nagariga Komali - from a bunch of NGOs, Pseudo communists, Ultra extreme Leftiest to dalit parties, Revolutionary parties.
Yet we don't aware of whether our welfare is pinned with what they are protesting......
And now a days we see most of our friends accept that something wrong is going around. But still unaware of the Gravity of the situation.
Because we are very very very very very very Bussy........Hmmmm still we find time for boozing, flirting, shopping, and other Fs....(okay leave it, no personal....).
Now a days all around the world revolutionary movements are taking momentum and become very very influential defying the existing pseudo Democratic capitalist, or quasi feudalist parliament setups - From Philiphines, Indonasia, malaysia, to Latin america, India, Nepal etc even in Western countries especialy former soviet blocks of eastern europe and germany, france, sweden etc.
Some of the questions now we very often confront with are....
- Globalisation, Liberalisation, Privatisation - Good or bad?
- present System of Parliamentarian politics, and Police, Military, and judicial bodies - Good or bad?
- What is communism - good or bad?
- How will our child live - No idea hehehe!.
- How will you live - No idea Hehehe!
Here find link for one article (Tamil). I feel this would address some of very basic confusion we have about our life, present soceity, Etc.